These elegant cast iron pans are crafted using traditional Japanese 'nambu tekki' artisan techniques, with a cleaner aesthetic than is typically associated with cast iron cookware. Though designed with sukiyaki in mind, these pans are incredible for all stovetop or oven use, from searing steak and sautéing vegetables to baking cornbread. The thicker bottom and walls allow for greater heat retention helping keep dishes warm at the table.
Smaller sized pans are perfect for single serve dishes, keeping food hot at the table with beautiful presentation, while a large pan can be used for group serving or any number of other purposes. Your pan will become increasingly nonstick over time with proper care.
Care: After giving your new pan a few good rounds of seasoning* (even pre-seasoned cast iron appreciates a little extra love), focus on cooking high-fat dishes at moderate temperatures at first, and clean by scrubbing with a or before pouring out excess fat, rinsing briefly with hot water, and wiping dry using a clean rag before re-oiling if needed. Cast iron loves fat and hates water, so scrubbing before rinsing is ideal to keep water contact minimal.
Never soak cast iron in water for extended periods of time – when using water, keep contact relatively short and immediately dry and re-oil until a strong seasoning has formed. Try to avoid using soap when cleaning cast iron – soap's oil cutting properties remove the natural fatty seal you're trying to build up.
Designed and made in Japan.
*We like to do a few rounds with fresh-pressed organic flaxseed oil before first use, and every now and then for upkeep.