A full inch blade, dark as night, engraved with a proud lion, takes courage to wield in ones face.
This courage is what the blade stands for. It was inspired by Theodore Roosevelt's speech entitled “Citizenship in a Republic”. An excerpt of this speech, know as “The Man in the Arena", is engraved in full on the back of this special blade.
The speech states beautifully that it is not the critic who counts, but all credit goes to the man in the arena, who is daring greatly.
The dark brown acrylic transparent thermoplastic material is mixed with is a copper mesh. The look reminds of the moon surface, giving the razor its name: Luna. Its durability, resistance to moisture and design variability make it a popular material for handles of high-quality straight razors and shaving accessories.
During hollow grinding, the straight razor is ground concavely from the back to the cutting edge. This design combines great flexibility with high torsional rigidity in longitudinal form. Enjoy the satisfying sound and feel of a gentle shave from the vibration of the razor blade trimming your facial hair.
A straight razor with a traditional square point, the cutting edge ends directly at the tip of the blade at a 90° angle. With a little practice, you can achieve formidable results both when precisely shaping contours and when shaving dimples. Such types of blades allow you to shave comfortably with absolute precision, but should only be handled by experienced users.
A wide blade is particularly suitable for men with strong beard growth or thicker hair. An 8/8 inch straight razor glides undeterred through even the thickest facial hair. The experienced barber appreciates the high weight of the blade and the resulting smooth operating performance. Especially on straight facial areas, you will achieve an unrivalled thorough and comfortable shave.
Most straight razors are made of carbon steel. To avoid stains, rinse your blade with warm water after shaving. Next, dab it dry with a cloth without touching the cutting edge and stow it open to dry completely. Between two applications there should be at least 48 hours so that the burr can realign itself. If you are not going to use your razor for a longer period of time, apply a bit of acid-free oil to it. You can find more information here.
Made in Germany.